Monday, November 24, 2008


Well on Friday night Noelle, Ari and I waited in line for almost five hourse to see Twilight at midnight! The wait wasn't bad we just read magazines and snacked on candy and what not. They let us in at 10 and we got the most perfect seats ever! On the way to the theater I wasn't sure what to expect ... all I knew is that the line started at around 1:30 and let me tell you I was anxiety ridden all day at work. So around 7 we went and staked out our place in the ever growing line. And I envisioned our seats in my mind ( the secret ) and guess what That is what we got! my favorite seats! top center where no once can kill you from behind! Or grab your feat or steal your purse. Anyway The movie that first night was really amazing and Rob hasn't left my mind ever since. I actually have found myself dreaming of him! last night I had a dream I was smelling his hands and they smelled like mint! weird! I woke up wishing it was all real:) I started to read Twilight again ... I don't want it to leave me ... If I can't watch it every day then I will read it! I am way beyond obsessed and Kyle doesn't really like it that much! Anyway I have seen it one other time Friday night with my girl friends and that was really fun! Wiss and Michelle and Taryn had these great shirts and Erin also made an amazing shirt! All in all it was a hit. New moon in the works and I'm not so sure about that one ... My least favorite of the books ... all that Jacob black and his lame wig!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Side note on my weekend!!!!!!!!!! Thursday night at 12 am Twilight will be all over my face! in my eyes and in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then Friday I just got tickets for 7:30 to go with all my friends! Don't worry I will not ruin it for you guys. Anyway Noelle and I are going to both! I AM FREAKING OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Then Sat Noelle and I are having a real casual cocktail hour at my house if anyone wants to join. She is staying with me thing weekend because that room mate has her parents in town!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Parker is so cute! Rite now he is drawing pictures and fist he said he drew a pumpkin then a banana now Halloween! He is just so funny and I love that he talks so much these days! He is really into sunglasses as well ... which is always cute on kids!

Friday, November 14, 2008

week update

-I have not been into blogging lately. I don't know why ... I just have nothing to write I guess, or I am to lazy.
-Today we are getting a KING size bed delivered to our house! It's really hard for me to feel like my house looks rite. I guess it's because we rent and can't paint. I wish we could paint. Anyway I am really excited to do my bedroom! I am getting new bedding and doing some other creative things. I will post pictures once it's all done. I am really excited!!! The delivery today also gave me the day off because they don't tell you when they are coming until the day before and it just so happens to be soooooo nice out! my car said it's 79 degrees. I have some great people coming over in about an hour and we are going to go for a walk with the kids.
-Also!!! I decided what I am doing for Parkers second birthday ...which I am wayyyyy more into then with his first ... I think because I know how excited he will be this year!!!
-Side note ... Kyle and I were going to try to get pregnant but this month was a flop and I am riding the crimson wave so I decided, or we decided to wait until after the new year so I can drink at the Holiday parties with all my not pregnant friends! I feel good about it and I don't feel rushed like I did with Parker ... when I get something in my head I want it NOW!!! It's good for me to be patient:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Bunco : A popular game played with twelve people and three dice. A winning throw in Bunco is to throw three of a kind of a specific number ...

We had a guest show up!

I was the host this month! And we sure had fun!

how fast a month goes ....

The past three weeks I have taken a little break from blogging.So about three weeks ago we went to Sanoma where my Mom and Dad went to a 30 year high school reunion for my Mom, while we were there we did so many fun things ... like go to the park, train town and do some really great wine tasting. I have about a billion pictures that maybe I will post later.

Halloween also was last week and we had sooo much fun! I took the day off and carved some crazy pumpkins ... I will post later and we had some good old fashion fun with our best friends! It was really fun to see the little one trick or treat and they all were ridiculously cute! Parker started his day as a giraffe and ended it as a golfer.