three short years ago
I just moved home from L.A. and every weekend we had these B.B.Q's at Lane and Erins house! It's when they lived over on the one bedroom side ... at this point I think Lanes dad lived over on the other side ... because I know Lane had taken that wall down to make a bedroom. Any way we were all laying around watching David Blane when Andrew and Kyle showed up ... I remembered Kyle from high school, we had a class together and I always thought he was really cute ( along with every other guy at that school ) I was a sad case in high school! Any how dinner was good that night ... Noelle and Erin made some really yummy corn. We got drunk like always and Kyle and I were doing weird dance moves and a lot of making out! I told Andrew he should go get in bed with Noelle and so he did! She was so Pissed off that she came storming out of the house wearing this pink sweats outfit with the pants tucked into her socks!!! hahahaha it was soooo funny! Poor Andrew! That night Kyle and snuggled on the make shift couch ! So the next morning was weird when we walked to our cars he got my number but he never called me. I would see him driving all over town in his little red honda. I would tell Noelle " I saw that guy I hooked up with again " . I had these friends in town Brian and Dustin and we had a party at my mom and dads while they were out of town, So I called Kyle to invite him and he came! Things got weird that night because I was wasted and smoked pot with a group of boys and was throwing up all night and it was ugly! Anyway Kyle and I went on our first date the next night ... R&D's! It was kind of weird but we had fun.
Kyle was like no one I had dated in the past. He was really snugly and affectionate. He seemed to be a Mama's boy and I like that. Anyway I didn't want anything to serious but he made me choose, ALL or nothing and I wasn't ready to not have him in my life. So he asked my to be his girlfriend rite around Halloween time. Anyway three years of marriage latter ... it's been good and it's been hard! But in the end it's all worth it! I love my life and I love my family!
Also ... I was so crazy back then! I am so thankful that I grew up and don't live that life any more!! I was out of control! it was fun though!
I never knew the story, so I'm glad you posted this. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a good night!!! (Make baby #2, haha) See you Friday!
I can't believe it's already been 3 years since your beautiful wedding! That was such a special day, you really were the most beautiful bride. 3 years later you have a precious little family! I hope you guys had a good anniversary!!
I had such a good time at your Wedding and you make a beautiful Bride for sure!! The dancing went on forever! Impromtu kareoke happened! congrats to you and Kyle on your 3 year...that's wild that it's already been that long!
amy!happy anniversary!!!!i love you and i cant believe that you have been married for that long..that story you told was crazy..
I found you on here!
That is a cute story and your wedding was amazing!
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