when oh when will we be on top again ... and i don't mean in bed:) I mean in the bank.
Doesn't it seem like every time you feel like you are making some kind of progress something slaps you in the face like a bean
burrito?!? I know. I dream of the day that i have my perfect home that i can decorate and make my very own. I keep reminding myself of what
Oprah says to do, and that is to speak positive things into your life. It's to short to stress out over money. I need to take my own advice and know that it will always work out. Other then that my mom said that
Armageddon is on its way. Oh and by the way she is out of her mind. I mean I have
taryn calming me down ... if you can only imagine that. Between her and I we are the most death
obsessed pair you can imagine. We have this plan to move into the
pasions bomb shelter someday with the kids! And we think that at R&D's they have one in the back ... we're not sure. But you might be sending our mail there some day!