Thursday, August 28, 2008


Twilight fans ... you may have seen this already but for those of you who haven't it's kinda fun. H magazine
has an article about Alice and Victoria and OHHHHHHH MYYYYY GOSH! I already thought that Victoria was georgious ... but I always thought that I should be Alice ... not anymore! She is absolutely GORGEOUS! Go and look!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

past couple weekends

So many fun toys! Thanks to "California cool"
A floating Troll!

It was nice and hot on monday so we got the kids naked and let them play with there "new" toys we got at " California cool"

Ella, Claire and Parker found some fun with the bowls! It was funny and cute all at the same time!

I had a lot of good pictures from my B.B.Q but I didn't have my memory card in! I'm lame!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Erins baby shower for Faye!

Today was Fayes baby shower and it was really cute and fun! All the kids played so well together and had so much fun!! Another fun party! The pregnant girls (Erin and Taryn) looked so cute! They are both so small!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

My little sick baby

Parker woke up with a really high fever and so I stayed home from work and we just laid around all day and then he started to get really mad at around 3 pm. Anyway He woke up at around 1 am and was projectile throw up all over the bedroom! It was so sad, he was shaking and crying. He has never thrown up like that ... it was really sad.I had his throw up all over me, and I didn't mind. I remember before I had kids wondering how I was going to ever raise kids with such a week stomach. Broken bones and vomit ... I didn't think that I could ever love something so much that you really just put all of your fears aside and do what you have to do to take care of your little angel.

Also I watched 21 last night and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I really actually loved that movie! The actor is so cute in that movie! I don't know his name and I'm to lazy to find out but he was also in that Beatles movie ...( blank in the head) If you have not see 21 GO SEE IT!!!!! It is really really good!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

just a nother manic sunday

Oh my gosh this is such a cute picture of Parker! He had just woken up and was trying to read a book, but it looks like he couldn't keep those eyes open! I love this picture!

This weekend was really fun. We went to R&D's and that was pretty fun and mellow. Then today we went to the Naz which was kinda weird ... not really my thing. It's just so big and weird. So next Sunday I will have to try something else. We are thinking about just walking over to Harvest church. Oh yeah and we got grass this weekend! it's so pretty. We are having a B.B.Q to welcome our new green friend! I love it already! Also we watched Penelope today and LOVED it! What a cute love story! I think everyone should see it:)
And ANOTHER THING! I cute Taryns hair today and it's REAL cute! That picture is still to come.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Parker was helping me make green beans! he loves his fruite and veggies!


at around 7 pm he turns into a wild animal child ... this is a new thing

Parker going to grandmas house in the morning

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


one year later ...

It's been probably over a year since I have written! I forgot that I had a blog spot ... so a year later this is Parker and his friend Ella at the park! They sure are cute! Parker is almost 19 months and he is a bright shining little star! Yes I am obsessed with him! Who wouldn't be! He talks dances runs jumps sings kisses, hugs, snuggles ... he's just about the sweetest little thing in the world! I love him more then I thought I could ever love anyone! It's fun!
