Parker woke up with a really high fever and so I stayed home from work and we just laid around all day and then he started to get really mad at around 3 pm. Anyway He woke up at around 1 am and was projectile
throw up all over the bedroom! It was so sad, he was
shaking and crying. He has never thrown up like that ... it was really sad.I had his
throw up all over me, and I didn't mind. I remember before I had kids wondering how I was going to ever raise kids with such a week stomach. Broken bones and vomit ... I didn't think that I could ever love something so much that you really just put all of your fears aside and do what you have to do to take care of your little angel.
Also I watched 21 last night and it was
SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I really actually loved that movie! The actor is so cute in that movie! I don't know his name and I'm to lazy to find out but he was also in that
Beatles movie ...( blank in the head) If you have not see 21 GO SEE IT!!!!! It is really really good!